(PT) Pepe Aromas na “Missão: 100% Português” RTP1
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RTP news report
RTP coverage of our prickly pear cactus orchards.
Pepe Aromas Soaps on TVI
Launch of our line of organic soaps
Pepe Aromas in the USA
Participating in the PROGRAMA CIRCULAR 4 GOOD, promoted by the BGI and the Fundo Ambiental do Ministério do Ambiente e Transição Energética (Environmental Fund of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Transition).
Official Inauguration of Pepe Aromas
The official inauguration of our facilities was attended by the Ministro da Agricultura, Florestas e Desenvolvimento Rural (Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development), Dr. Luís Capoula Santos.
RTP news report
RTP coverage of our prickly pear cactus orchards.
Winners of the Intermarché National Production Award, in the category Primary Production (Prémio Intermarché Produção Nacional)